DVD Training Videos

Avoid Errors: How to Know People Understood What You Said

We often think that employees understand important information or a project that we just gave them, and then find out later that they didn't! This results in spending more time to fix mistakes, or to do work over again. One client saved $3,000 in 5 seconds using this skill. This skill is critical in business, healthcare, and workplace environments where safety is paramount.

Duration 5 min 58 sec
Quantity Price
50-74 Users $7.50
75-99 Users $7.00
100-149 Users $6.50
150-199 Users $6.00
200-249 Users $5.50
250-299 Users $5.00
300-349 Users $4.50
350-399 Users $4.00
400-449 Users $3.75
450-499 Users $3.50
500-599 Users $3.25
600+ Users $3.00
PRICE:  $0.00

How many costly errors has this created in your organization? A supervisor or manager gave an employee an important task or project. The employee thought they knew what to do, and so did their manager

But they didn't. Resulting in even more time to fix it, or to do the job over again.

This skill is highly useful in confirming that important everyday matters, such as a new regulation; a customer specification change; a response from an attorney; a safety violation, or an assignment, have been clearly understood.

Misunderstood communications can result in a lack of compliance; an incorrect customer order and an upset customer; a poor or incorrect decision; or an accident or injury that could have been avoided.

Your people will learn a skill that includes what to say and how to say it to:

  • politely and easily ask another person to confirm what they heard.
  • know for certain if the other person fully understood them or not.
  • avoid needless and costly errors, mistakes, and miscommunications about important matters while working with others.
  • in healthcare: confirm orders regarding medications, treatments, and procedures that assure proper patient care and safety.
  • in industrial and workplace environments with demanding safety requirements: avoid incorrect mixing of chemicals; properly handle hazardous materials; avoid workplace accidents resulting in injuries, workmen's compensation costs, OSHA fines, etc.

A True Savings Example by Using this Skill: A production supervisor in a large Northeast dairy manufacturing plant saved the company $3,000 in about 5 seconds by using this skill to confirm and correct--what an employee was about to do. (The employee was going to open instead of close a holding tank sending thousands of gallons of milk into the wastewater treatment plant).

Includes a detailed Learning Guide, Skill Reinforcement Card, and 3 Proven Strategies to Learn & Apply New Communication Skills for maximum learning and reinforcement.

Products Specifications
Formats Available DVD, USB, ONLINE
Duration 5 min 58 sec
Language English
Languages Available English
Product Categories
Communication, Office Environment