This brand new 2016 production details the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (otherwise known as the FCPA). The Act protects against unethical behavior and provides a level playing field for all businesses interested in foreign trade.
This short, engaging video on illegal Insider Trading prevention delivers a power message on this common but often misunderstood crime. Illegal insider trading can destroy an organization's reputation and end an employee's career. Often, employees simply don't understand the law and get themselves into trouble out of ignorance.
The S.T.O.P. shop is a loss prevention training video specifically made for retail associates. The program covers both internal and external factors that affect shrikage in retail stores. The techniques presented in the program are designed to become part of every associates routine giving them the tools they need to find shoplifting and other factors that cause loss.
Anti-trust law is one of the most misunderstood business compliance topics. This video breaks down the law with simple language and clear examples of what is legal and illegal. The course covers dealings in the supply chain, single firm conduct, and dealings with competitors.