This DVD program on Eye Safety in Industrial Environments provides employees with the information they need to recognize and avoid eye hazards that they can encounter in their workplace.
This DVD program on Eye Safety in Construction Environments provides employees with the information they need to recognize and avoid eye hazards that they can encounter on a job site.
This DVD program on Safety Showers and Eye Washes reviews situations where safety showers and eye washes should be used, as well as how to use them properly.
This DVD program on Safety Showers and Eye Washes in the Laboratory reviews the correct ways to use this equipment, and emphasizes the need for quick action after a chemical splash or spill.
This safety video delivers important information on eye protection with a unique emphasis on personal responsibility. The viewer is provided with three steps to eye safety that are extremely easy to relate to and understand. Interviews with "real" people who would have lost their eyesight if they hadn't been wearing eye protection provide powerful reinforcement for safe behavior.
This safety video delivers important information on eye protection with a unique emphasis on personal responsibility. The viewer is provided with three steps to eye safety that are extremely easy to relate to and understand. Interviews with "real" people who would have lost their eyesight if they hadn't been wearing eye protection provide powerful reinforcement for safe behavior.