DVD Training Videos

Eye Safety

This safety video delivers important information on eye protection with a unique emphasis on personal responsibility. The viewer is provided with three steps to eye safety that are extremely easy to relate to and understand. Interviews with "real" people who would have lost their eyesight if they hadn't been wearing eye protection provide powerful reinforcement for safe behavior.

Duration 10 min
PRICE:  $0.00

This safety video delivers important information on eye protection with a unique emphasis on personal responsibility. The viewer is provided with three steps to eye safety that are extremely easy to relate to and understand.

Interviews with "real" people who would have lost their eyesight if they hadn't been wearing eye protection provide powerful reinforcement for safe behavior.

Products Specifications
Formats Available DVD, USB
Duration 10 min
Product SKU 3006-E
Supporting Materials PDF Training Guide, Quiz
Language English
Languages Available English
Closed Captioned No
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