DVD Training Videos

Talk Isn't Cheap

Learn four practical, effective techniques for improving communication in the workplace: making yourself clear, adding reinforcement, becoming an active listener, and finding hidden messages.

Duration 18 min
License Price
DVD 1 - Week Rental $395
Quantity Price
50 Users $11.50
51-75 Users $10.25
76-100 Users $9.50
101-150 Users $9.00
151-250 Users $8.25
251-500 Users $7.75
501-750 Users $7.00
751-1000 Users $6.50
1001-2500 Users $6.00
2501-5000 Users $5.25
5001-7500 Users $4.50
7501-10000 Users $4.00
Quantity Price
50 users $11.50
51-75 users $10.25
76-100 users $9.50
101-150 users $9.00
151-250 users $8.25
251-500 users $7.75
501-750 users $7.00
751-1000 users $6.50
1001-2500 users $6.00
2501-5000 users $5.25
5001-7500 users $4.50
7501-10000 users $4.00
PRICE:  $0.00

Is unclear communication hurting your bottom line? Poor communication costs money, energy, and employee enthusiasm for their work and relationships.

Your organization needs to be filled with people that take responsibility for the bottom line. It is critical for people at all levels to communicate clearly.

This video demonstrates four effective techniques for improving workplace communication and also illustrates how expensive careless communication errors can be: small errors stack up into big costs.

While using the skills demonstrated in this video, viewers will learn to communicate with clarity, the most important first step to saving time, money, and increasing morale.

Lessons include how to avoid costly mistakes by:

  1. Making Yourself Clear
  2. Adding Reinforcement
  3. Listening Actively
  4. Finding the Hidden Message
Products Specifications
Formats Available DVD, USB, On Demand Streaming, ONLINE, SCORM
Duration 18 min
Supporting Materials Leader's Guide (34 page PDF), PowerPoint Presentation (31 page PPT)
Language English
Languages Available English, Spanish
Product Categories