DVD Training Videos
Join Tiffany and Tyler, accomplished artists, educators, and consultants, as they share their personal stories about encountering and combating racism.
Quantity | Price |
1-99 Users | $29.95 |
100-249 Users | $26.95 |
250-499 Users | $23.95 |
500-999 Users | $20.95 |
1000-2499 Users | $17.95 |
2500+ Users | $14.95 |
Join Tiffany and Tyler, accomplished artists, educators, and consultants, as they share their personal stories about encountering and combating racism.
Rule | Description | Duration |
1 | What to say to family members when talking about racism | 0 |
2 | How to feel more comfortable having conversations about race | 0 |
2 | What to do when you see or hear a colleague at work make racist comments | 0 |
3 | What to say to children when talking about racism | 0 |
4 | How to become a powerful ally in the fight against racism | 0 |
5 | How to react and speak up effectively when someone makes a racist remark | 0 |
6 | What to do when you see or hear a colleague at work make racist comments | 0 |
8 | How to become more aware of racism at work, social Join Tiffany and Tyler, accomplished artists, educators, and consultants, as they share their personal stories about encountering and combating racism. In this program participants will learn: settings, and home | 0 |
Formats Available | ONLINE |
Duration | 1 hr 11 mins |
Language | English |
Languages Available | English |